ago lot since I updated this blog, really do not know why I stopped one day know no one that also happened was passed, one thing led to another and I stopped feeling like. I guess there are stages for all, the truth is that at this time ... everything has happened, it would have to write a book, but of course this is a blog and as much given to having a chapter or spit the odd moment of deep philosophical thoughts, do not give more or better I do not want to give more. This will remain a blog around a bit, "as it was from the beginning, I suppose like me, a mixture "Around a bit." I have made a thousand changes from the template itself (leaving my lovely and tacky modifications) to the name itself, all that I did because time is passing and was so outdated that allowed me to do great things, I will continue with the changes but when have more time, I hope to be updating the "piano piano".
the moment:
"To dream anything that want to dream, that's the beauty of the human mind. Do anything you want to do, that's the strength of the will of man. Trust yourself and take you to your limits, that is the courage that leads to success. " Bernard Edmonds
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