contextualizarte order as presented below ³ n, it is necessary to read the first blog I write, the chapters are 1, 2 and 3.
the dynamics of the blog, is as follows, start writing my partner Mr. B and continuation ³ n tell me (Mr. G) story from my point of view.
Chapter 4: Mr. G??
Year of ± os spues and to be exact, before ± or new year 2004 between one of my emails that usually do not use MSN, or rather, since he had left forgotten. The idea was to see if my contacts still exist and if they remembered me. Suddenly, someone speaks to me. It was a contact that had apparently erased and he was trying to maintain conversation. At those times was with a couple in my life. Partner already entailed some problems of lack of caries or part ± Ã © l.
The contact told me that I stood by the picture I had in the profile of MSN. I thought "God ... I remove that picture." SeguÃa trying to talk to me and I continually closed the window .... and was quite heavy on that did not interest me much talk. But he insisted. Ok .. I thought, we'll give it a try.
I said I always looked at the university, on the street where we met. My surprise was a capital letter. I wonder if I had any idea who it was. "Mr. G ?"... I replied. Only managed to laugh without confirming the information. Rather denied the idea was going through my head. And I said that only in the university ± os year had looked only to one person, Mr. G, who was studying psychology and that if it was not à © l, did not interest me to have contact and that if he thought it had looked ³ only it had passed one another roll ... In short, if you're not Mr. G, I'm not interested.
After he retired and left me with great doubt whether it was him or not. At that point I was not sure if it was and I could not keep hopes up with the idea that there was a possibility it was him. I remember I was HAPPY to my house and counting the days to return to meet with him in msn forgotten.
usually talked on msn. He always tried to leave me with the question that was not à © l, and I more and more sure I was. I asked him to show on web cam and never yielded, never mind send me a photo. Know how to keep my attention. Add ± prayed an email or find on the msn. Many times between finding none. Called my attention n the mystery. I dare you, how many times I found him trying to prove he was eager to want to know. I'd like to say in person the things I've said for MSN ... but not easily accessed. Rather shunned the opportunity to upgrade them and gave me my anxiety.
The talks lasted for long. Until one day ....
handle, as has Mr. B, in late December of the year ± o 2004, in one of those days where you have nothing more s to do, I connect to a msn alternative "tena a fictitious name, everything that I atrevÃa as Mr. G, he prunes do and say under this false identity unknown, the tapestries of a person who lives a double life and todavÃa not asumÃa) clear à © l, Tena to all contacts Gaya's with whom Bean chatted makes algae º n time attracts s \u200b\u200bnot conocÃa to none, because many of them bean added a few year ± os, after © s to have spoken to chat, others were added to the bean by typical chains, assuming that if I sent them a gay, all displayed in the list were, of, the gayfotolog, etc., all s tena ways more than 100 contacts, remember that I live year º n repressed, only quoted me with some beans (which were not s more than two people), was just looking for friendship.
worth mentioning that by that time, I freshly © n was over with my girlfriend last one, with which lasts © about 8 months.
Continuing the story, I open my msn and I find with surprise that the bean someone, who I always was by AHA, with whom and which we looked Boot © me many times, Mr. B was , my first words after the routine © s greeting was, "Hey ... I love you I know, I've seen" (which decays by the picture he had in his profile), à © l no ball gave me, is more s continuously closed the window and I respondÃa, Tena call to be alert in any way and said, "you always look at me", à © l with a contemptuous response told me not to believe, prompted tena couples, she said only, But AA ° n I fished, after much insistence agreed ³ has to talk to me, I told him I always had sat watching me, both in the U.S. like every time we met by AHA, told me not to believe it, because only Bean looked at a person in the University and that person was bloomers and the suponÃa was hà © uterus, I tried to insist that tell me who it was, © s after much insistence, I said that person was studying psychology and called Mr. G, I only managed © to vouch written with a laugh (hahahaha), but if I had seen his face at that moment, was a convinacià ³ n of joy, surprise and security, Saba that it could not look at the whole world, that their eyes HACA me feel special, knew I liked, à © l me asked, Mr. Do G? and not responding, stops © to live their surprise and ± eza strange, but I will confirm or deny such assertions ³ n, I said if I was, was the person most happy s that may be in that time, I continued © without saying anything, he did not know what to do, not pruning say only, because I year º n was not prepared for what is vein, just wanted to leave with the illusion, I said I Tena go and Close © msn.
The next day, and those who continued, it connects © me, but send me mail asking if I was Mr. G, please confirm him, used to say that I expected to see me once more s in msn seguÃa without telling me and my answers were ambiguous and net º is the days he sent me an e dà ³ ndome a kind of à º ltimatum saying that only I was not Mr. G did not continue to respond, of course I ignored and continued © with the little game, then © s of days, I was © on camera and confirms ³ I expected, was I, Mr. G, but I told him was not yet ready for a first encounter with à © l.
Chapter 5: January 10. First Date.
not know why, and I think never know, the days are Jan. 10 special to me. Â Why?. Because these dates are closed or start cycles in my life and usually really important things happen (without the wait). Just as an example I will tell you two. When I told my family (two brothers, potatoes ... all at once) that he was gay for like 3 ± os year ago, was 10 January. Also at the same time, a ± o year later, I dared to tell my parents that I had family, important data, because for me, it meant that my parents would begin to see me first as someone capable of having a partner, second someone who can love, and third, someone sexually active. And so, there are many more situations that have happened and are closing cycles for me. After several days
Chat and type emails, Mr. G and I had confirmed that it was à © l. The boy of my dreams ± os. It cost me, but it did. My illusion was more No Maximum.
A good day I write a mail telling you foward Coming Soon It shall be the birthday ± os. That would be a good idea e qu we met on 13 January. A gift to me will know that day. It was about 8:00 pm and my phone rings. I answer, to my surprise was Mr. G, I used to say that I had called to the house and knowing that my name was not on my cell. Make the time my good luck and called and told him that if he wanted us gathered at that moment to which he agreed to my request ³ n. I remember thinking "oh!" Dear God ... I gather together with Mr. G. .. someone slap me "(a Peà ± isco was not enough). The right time was at 8:30, against Velasquez Campus of the University of Tarapaca. 30! minutes and I without any production, totally normal and a tired day behind me. But I did not care. Go as fast as I could. Among the bath ± or college and I "take a coat of cat." It was already 8:30 and they must hurry. Walk out the main entrance University and there was à © l. With a sleeveless shirt, white, hidden behind a pair of glasses and optical dating of a visit to the doctor. I approached and greets him with obvious nervousness. Fluides not come out with words and answer the first 5 minutes monosÃlabos. "I know Mr. G! !!!!!" my head kept repeating. We decided to go to the beach, sit and talk. All I had never been able to say, I told him that day, from the time that we met, forced encounters, casual and averiguacià ³ n their schedules. Of how much I liked the first time I saw him, everything. Throw all my cards on the table.
Without realizing it, time flew by. Le ask what day it was today. I replied, Jan. 10. NOOOOOOOOO !!!!!... I said. And I told him that always the important things in my life happened those days. And to my knowledge as a à © l was one of the things that certainly was much more than important. (Knowing my love was serving plate mail).
It was already 3 of the day maa ± ana 11. We decided it was good time to leave but we both no longer wanted to leave. And the whereabouts of the group I did hear a song n. Song now reminds us of our first date and you have phrases that come to us deeply. "Escucha Atento" Laura Pausini presents sentences like this and we watched in silence as we listen.
today we think of you,
centuries ago
not call you or Ringtones to more
often happens
anyone more s I love,
to anyone
since none found ©
that looks like you,
that resembles more, inside. Escucha Atento
the message is for you
tell me if it s
aha I know you only ©
and you will not have
alternative to the more
sà ©, the only ©, because it only ©.
you tell a lie, maa
you tell a lie, maa
± Aas
© or other skin rock
© look at each mouth to find your name. Basically
both knew that we would have no alternative to ourselves. We parted only with the appointment. Would have liked to kiss him that night. But for all this was new, and respect their time. It was possible that my love serving plate nico become my real love.
There is more to tell. Until Chapter 6.
There is more to tell. Until Chapter 6.
handle, as Mr.B account on January 10 sent me an email saying that in a few days more s going to be the birthday ± os (January 13), read it and remember that in those days was half chill, as well I went to the Doctor, being there waiting for me to attend feel the need to call , their number and me bean since I was about half an hour fighting with myself pra see if he called or not, after a while I decide and called ©, with the bad luck that he was not at home, after © s a few minutes, I decided again, this time to call on his cell phone, this time, I answered, ³ and I suggested we juntasemos, I said well, that day would be our first formal date, I tell them that was ideal, in summer we went to the beach and sitting on the sand talked all, I was captivated ³ his intelligence, his look, his words and transparency, sit it conocÃa has always he was the person he wanted, which querÃa and which querÃa be, quice kiss but I dare not, if à © l I had done it correpondo, but it was not necessary, au nthat we do not kiss me alone ³ captive with his words, the hours went by without noticing, when I was about 3 in the maa ± ana back, I querÃa go, but it was late and had a cold in addition s, while s we walked we looked without saying words, in a complicated way, our faces reflected a great happiness that manifested itself in our eyes and our smiles, sit something never before felt or experienced Bean I was falling for à © l, in a moment I did hear a song from Laura Pausini, who put the soundtrack to our history, we knew we had no choice, I was to à © à © l and l for me.
back to my home and all the way it could not make that point in my mind, wanted a repeat of what most longed s soon as possible and seeing him again.
Saba It shall be with à © l, reapplied it to see and begin a relationship n.
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