Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tied Up And Embarrased

Taking advantage I have decided to update the blog I will have the last front in this fight I opened mine and yours and you want to join.

time rounds wore head the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a food intolerance analysis (or food, says that each one way) and I finally decided. It seems, as I found on the internet and as I said my mother when she had them do about 5 years, that "intolerance" to certain foods is related with the following conditions: Obesity

Digestive Disorders abdominal pain, diarrhea, irritable bowel ...
dermatological disorders eczema, psoriasis , acne, hives ... Psychological disorders
lethargy, fatigue, anxiety, hyperactivity in children ... Neurological disorders
headaches, migraines ...
Respiratory asthma, rhinitis ...
Other arthritis, fibromyalgia ...

So, as all I can lose is the 600 EurAc it costs me get tested + as I've decided to let me consultations. To explore all avenues that it is not ...

There are two types of test food intolerance. The Test and the Test Alcat IgG. Apparently even look the same measure different things (sorry I did not extend into the details but I have enough expertise to tell the difference between each other). The former costs around 500 euros and the second has a more varied price range: You can go from 200 to 400 depending on number of foods that are evaluated. A study found that seems to give more credibility to the test in the test Alcat IgG-although the two are strongly disputed by the medical community-so I went for it.

I was of great help this forum where they spoke a little both tests, the difference between each other and the experiences of people. I hope I have made a right choice and not having money thrown down the toilet not spare me. Within 3 weeks I have the results in my power and start to follow the diet they put me. I'll tell you if I notice results in the skin or not.


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