Monday, December 1, 2008

Pain When Sleeping On Right Side

Psoriasis Homeopathic treatment.

promised update after my first visit to the homeopath and I have gone twice without putting anything here :-(

The first visit left me with legs dangling, upon reaching the query and see that homeopath was also a professor of aesthetics, laser epilator and promoter of medical aesthetic treatments (there's even a mini-spa in the office!). I would have preferred to implement a doctor of homeopathy / naturopathy and alternative therapy, but hey, do not lose anything testing - except money, of course,

to practice in principle in homeopathy is not needed no medical degree, so I decided to trust the person who recommended me and some luck. If you do not see decent results in about 6 months, I'll try with my original idea.

After small talk like "Dr. Love" (tell me about your life as you define, how was your childhood, etc ...) made me an acknowledgment that I could not define but which is quite close to the foot reflexology , but applied to the body, is putting your body in different positions and see the reaction to specific actions after applying pressure to specific points in your body. I know that sounds a bit like "Cuarto Milenio" but see the person that after touching me injuries to the hand (or a scar, as happens to my sister) I am unable to offer resistance to certain movements, when two seconds ago he could, is, at best, very effective.

After evaluating my case this is the treatment I have followed for 1 month:
  • first 15 days: 5 pellets Lycopodium (I knew it!) 2 times a day 15 seconds
  • days: 5 pellets of Sulphur 1 time per day
  • 1 month: 5 pellets iodatum Arsenicum (3 times a day)
  • No milk or dairy products (also know!)
  • Omega Capsules

A month later I have pretty good arms - especially the elbows! - And the rest ... if not better, not worse. I guess these things have to be taken calmly so as I said I'll give it a chance of 6 months. Let's see how it goes.

At the last review he prescribed an ointment (Lazolín), some teas ( Depulán Natusor 4 of Soria Natural) and I raised the concentration of Sulphur. From now on I'll take the Plus method (making it now) that is to put 15 pellets in a mineral water droppers + 4 drops of cognac and a pipette plugged it every day. So Spot laugh (especially at the pipette, which is a word which in itself makes me mee of laughter, like cacafuti or street violence) but as I have said I have faith in my homeopath-beautician.


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