Cuismondos, cuismondos ...
Man, had a lot of time with the idea of \u200b\u200bupdating the blog, but with little appetite. I finally have to. Everything was
fenomental to the last (well, second to last longer) review, where my homeopath decided to change the Aresenicum iodatum by Berberis Vulgaris, which apparently is indicated for injuries begin to heal from the inside out (of those I have a few). Anyway, it seems have gone very well, because I get a lot worse time I have been with this treatment. This past week I returned to Arsenicum iodatum, I deleted the Berberis vulgaris and have changed the Sulphur Calcarea carb to 30 ch.
something here I hope to improve to summer because I have no desire to be on vacation with the skin made a Christ ... (the end I just do not get concerned over worse than to enjoy my vacation.) According